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(Starts with "C" and ends with "ompass")

Why register?

Car Free Walks is not for profit. It simply is a labour of love by Tim, Gary and Patrik.


  • the chance to win some fantastic prizes in our quarterly draws
  • access to download GPX-files for walks
  • special members discounts arranged through our partners
  • our more less quarterly newsletter (you can always opt out)
It's all about the great outdoors and if you submit a walk of your own, you'll be entered into our prize-draw!

By signing up, you're showing us that we've been doing something right: this site is meant for people like you.

Submit a walk and win!

For the July to September 2018 prize draw we are giving away a Car Free Walks goodie bag to the value of around £100. To be entered for the draw, register here (if you haven't already), then click on submit a walk and follow the steps to add your route to the database.We will pick out the lucky winner in a draw at the start of October 2018 and don't forget that you can submit as many walks as you like for more chances to win.
Each submitted walks increases your chance to win! more
